I might pop for the Amazon streaming version…maybe. I need to think it over. I’m leaning toward a no-go. How much better can it sound? I’m no sucker.

Taken at Amoeba Records — Thursday, 2:25 pm.
I might pop for the Amazon streaming version…maybe. I need to think it over. I’m leaning toward a no-go. How much better can it sound? I’m no sucker.
The face on the campaign button obviously doesn’t resemble a somewhat younger Jimmy Hoffa as much as CG-youthied Al Pacino with Hoffa hair. But the face isn’t really Pacino’s either. It’s more like a manipulated Hoffa-face hybrid — a wider, squarer face with a smile (and a mouth) totally unlike Pacino’s. When I think of Pacino, I think of “because she has a GREAT ASS! And you got your head all the way up it!” The guy on the Hoffa button would have never been capable of such a moment.
9:04 am Update: The Irishman screening happens in 55 minutes. Leaving on the rumble hog in ten.
“All surviving sources, except Pliny the Elder, characterize Caligula as insane. However, it is not known whether they are speaking figuratively or literally. Philo of Alexandria, Josephus and Seneca state that Caligula was insane, but describe this madness as a personality trait that came through experience. Seneca states that Caligula became arrogant, angry and insulting once he became emperor and uses his personality flaws as examples his readers can learn from. According to Josephus, power made Caligula incredibly conceited and led him to think he was a god.” — from Wikipage of Caligula, Roman emperor from 37 to 41 AD.
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