Variety‘s Katcy Stephan: “I’m still processing everything that has transpired in the last couple of days, and I’m sad,” Emilia Perez costar Zoe Saldana said earlier today in London. “It makes me really sad because I don’t support [Gascon’s unfortunate tweets], and I don’t have any tolerance for any negative rhetoric towards people of any group.
“I can only attest to the experience that I had with each and every individual that was a part…of this film, and my interactions with inclusivity and collaboration…racial, cultural and gender equity. And it just saddens me. It saddens me that we are having to face this setback right now.”
Anyone who uses the phrase “[blank product] is taking the country by storm”…avoid these people for the rest of your life and into the next. Anyone, really, who uses the term “by storm” in any context. YouTube narrators, salespersons, copywriters…among the worst people on the planet.
In that 1.29 Hollywood Reporter profile of Babygirl‘s Harris Dickinson, Seija Rankin writes that it’s “dawning” on the 28-year-old Dickinson “that broader fame is coming for him, and he’s not sure he’s ready for it.”
HE to Dickinson: Nobody’s “ready” for anything. You obviously wanted this, and you speak with a great London street accent, and now you’ve got it so no whining. You just have to jump into your local shark-filled pond or into the heaving, big-time sea and swim as best you can. If you don’t paddle like a sonuvabitch you’ll sink like a stone, but then you knew that.
…more than people laughing uproariously or otherwise too hard, too demonstratively, giggling like idiots, rocking back and forth, slapping their thighs, covering their mouths with their right hand, going “hoo-hoo-hoo” and “yee-hee-hee”…all of this is truly horrible.
Have you ever seen any serious, heavy-cat comedians laugh like this? Woody Allen will crack an occasional grin or smirk, but never, ever has he yee-hawed in some over-the-top way. People who know what goes never laugh like this. Only shallow gladhanders do. Only the worst people.
Or at least to grin broadly with great pleasure. This scene from A History of Violence, which I’ve watched a good 10 or 12 times (twice in theatres, three or four times on Bluray, several times on YouTube) has never failed to lighten my load.
Posted eight years ago: William Hurt‘s short speech last night in Santa Barbara on behalf of Isabelle Huppert was a quiet corker. His remarks were clearly directed at the horrific political climate being generated out of the White House these days; more than a few came up to Hurt later and said “great speech!”
Hurt costarred with Huppert in Ned Benson‘s The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby (’12). Plus he’s fluent in French and owns (or at least owned the last time I checked) a residence not far from Paris.
During the after-party we spoke about LSD, Altered States (i.e., Paddy Chayefsky vs. Ken Russell), Buddhism (a few years ago Hurt took a Columbia course in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism and computer science), Hank Paulson (whom Hurt played in 2011’s Too Big To Fail), etc.
I need a new hate angle on Disney’s Snow White. Critical Drinker‘s new video rant is fine but I can’t parrot his opinion. Rachel Zegler‘s trashing of Donald Trump happened last November. It’s now early February….what’s a new way into this horror?
All I can think of is that the march of time and the turning of the cultural wheel have passed Snow White by. It was hatched in the woke orgy of early 20s militant feminism, and now it’s out of style and out of synch.
Snow White is going to be impaled on a pitchfork when it opens in mid March. It’s going to be swallowed and spun around by a hate tornado, and I for one can’t wait for this to happen.
Wiki excerpt about Zegler’s Palestinian allegiance: “In October 2024, Zegler said, ‘We’re nearing one year since the horrendous attacks in Israel on Oct. 7, but I’ve been following this conflict for so many years. Like so many people, I’m so heartbroken by the loss of life that we’re seeing with these insane death tolls coming out of both regions.”
[MAGA-related]: “Zegler criticized those who voted to re-elect former U.S. president Donald Trump following the 2024 United States presidential election, and made an obscene reference to the president-elect. Zegler later issued a public apology in response, saying that she meant no harm with her message while offering a call for peace: ‘I let my emotions get the best of me. Hatred and anger have caused us to move further and further away from peace and understanding, and I am sorry I contributed to the negative discourse. This week has been emotional for so many of us, but I firmly believe that everyone has the right to their opinion, even when it differs from my own. I am committed to contributing positively towards a better tomorrow.”
But Army authorities are not naming her. Why would they want to delay on this? Any guesses? Nobody’s assuming anything, The co-pilot had around 500 hours of flying experience. But why is her identity under wraps?
Among the many dozens of commercial flights I’ve taken over the last half-century, I’m presuming that a certain percentage were piloted by women, and that’s fine. No big deal, par for the course, etc.
That said, I’m not about to discount concerns about DEI hires having an adverse or questionable effect on the aviation industry.
Try to be honest — if you were about to choose between two commercial flights from New York to Paris, and you knew for a fact that the pilot of flight #1, a middle-aged male veteran, had been hired on merit, and the pilot of flight #2, a woman in her 30s or 40s, had been hired to satisfy DEI quotas….which flight would you rather be on?
If you were told that two aircraft controllers monitoring the progress of your flight were (a) a merit-based hire and (b) a DEI hire, which would you choose?
Emilia Perez Best Actress nominee Karla Sofia Gascon yesterday attempted an apologetic walk-back after those toxic, years–oldtweetsblewup… “monkeys”, Muslims, George Floyd.
Sorry, sweets, but it’s over. The milk has been spilt, the bed has been shat upon, wokesters don’t know from context…forgetit.