Endeavor agent John Lesher has taken the Paramount Classics job..the one that Ruth Vitale and David Dinerstein shared all those years. Whenever a hip, priveleged, high-strung white person leaves a job, he/she is always replaced by another hip, priveleged, high-strung white person…which is why I rarely report about Hollywood hires. That said, it’s always been said of Lesher (and I’ve always liked the “idea” of Lesher because of this) that he doesn’t think or act like a typical suit. He has the personality of a frazzled director, a struggling screenwriter…he’s very much like the guys (Alejandro Gonzales Innaritu, etc.) he used to represent at Endeavor. So in that sense he’s cool…or so I’ve always heard. Is this “real” or some bullshit pose? If anyone has any first-hand observations…