It’s long been my opinion that Hanoi is one of the greatest cities anywhere, and certainly one of the most affordable. Magnificent food. A wonderful teeming energy. The gentlest people. Bicycles and scooters. Lush country regions just outside of town.
…on front or back cover of 4K Chinatown Bluray jacket. Not even in fine type. Naturally.
Is it normal for Paramount Presente Bluray jackets to omit any mention of directors? In the below comment thread HE reader “Cine Bum” reports thqt he “checked some random ‘Paramount Presents’ titles and the director is mentioned in every single summary and/or special features section.”
Last night Bill Maher lamented…okay, fumed over…the wimpishness of U.S distributors who are afraid to distribute Ali Abbasi‘s The Apprentice out of concern that Donald Trump might sue them or otherwise make their lives miserable.
“It looks great,” said Maher. “This is Trump’s origin story under the tutelage of Roy Cohn.”
It “looks” great? Just recently the film’s producers showed The Apprentice to N.Y Times columnist Michelle Goldberg. Why didn’t Maher ask to see it himself? IF he’d watched Abbasi’s film start to finish his opinion would obviously carry more authority.
Maher: “It’s being released in Japan, Canada, the U.K., Germany, [but] no one here will touch it. This bothers me so much.”
“This is MY industry, you fucking pussies. Find a way to release this movie.”
“First [Trump] intimidates the Congresspeople, then he intimidates juries, and now he’s intimidating THIS town? Oy.”
Deadline‘S Tom Tapp: “The state of play earlier this month was that multiple parties remained interested in the film domestically, and there was confidence a deal will get done, probably this month.
I can’t find the YouTube clip that contains Maher’s Apprentice opinions.
This is my third Donald Sutherland post in the wake of his death, but it’s really worth watching for the portion that begins around 9:15. Sutherland and Anderson Cooper are watching the young-daughter-has-drowned scene from Don’t Look Now, and Sutherland’s reaction…just watch it.
“Not happening…way too laid back…zero narrative urgency,” I was muttering from the get-go. Basically the sixth episode of White Lotus Thai SERIOUSLY disappoints. Puttering around, way too slow. Things inch along but it’s all “woozy guilty lying aftermath to the big party night” stuff. Glacial pace…waiting, waiting. I was told...
I finally saw Walter Salles' I'm Still Here two days ago in Ojai. It's obviously an absorbing, very well-crafted, fact-based poltical drama, and yes, Fernanda Torres carries the whole thing on her shoulders. Superb actress. Fully deserving of her Best Actress nomination. But as good as it basically is...
After three-plus-years of delay and fiddling around, Bernard McMahon's Becoming Led Zeppelin, an obsequious 2021 doc about the early glory days of arguably the greatest metal-rock band of all time, is opening in IMAX today in roughly 200 theaters. Sony Pictures Classics is distributing. All I can say is, it...
To my great surprise and delight, Christy Hall's Daddio, which I was remiss in not seeing during last year's Telluride Film Festival, is a truly first-rate two-hander -- a pure-dialogue, character-revealing, heart-to-heart talkfest that knows what it's doing and ends sublimely. Yes, it all happens inside a Yellow Cab on...
7:45 pm: Okay, the initial light-hearted section (repartee, wedding, hospital, afterlife Joey Pants, healthy diet) was enjoyable, but Jesus, when and how did Martin Lawrence become Oliver Hardy? He’s funny in that bug-eyed, space-cadet way… 7:55 pm: And now it’s all cartel bad guys, ice-cold vibes, hard bullets, bad business,...