HE to N.Y. Times culture desk profiler Marc Tracy, author of today’s (3.23) Sasha Stone profile:
“Your Sasha profile is intelligent, tightly phrased, judiciously written. I know you worked long and hard to get it just right. Full respect.
“I’ve read the article twice, and found it a completely fair and even-handed profile, but — but! — it’s a vicious hit piece by way of those two photos — they make Sasha look like a chilly woman with fearsome, Medusa-like eyes.
“Her perceptive intelligence and tough-minded assessments aside, Sasha’s essence has always been her everyday personableness…her warmth, humility, kindness. She’s the kindliest earth momma I’ve ever known in my life. These photos absolutely negate that.
“The editor who chose them apparently doesn’t like Sasha’s political, anti-woke allegiances. He/she chose these photos as a way of saying, ‘This woman is a judgmental hellion‘ — a really shitty thing to do.
“There are ways of visually flattering a subject, of disguising this or that flaw, of emphasizing this or that aspect of a personality. The right kind of Vittorio Storaro-like lighting can accomplish wonders. The person who chose these photos decided to make Sasha look like someone you really don’t want to to run into in a back alley….period.
“What a feeling it must be to be visually assassinated in the paper of record!
“Anyway, very good job on your end….cheers.”
Sasha Kurtz to N.Y. Times photographer Jennelle Fong: “Are you an assassin?”
Fong to Stone: “I’m a photographer…I was sent to do a job.”
Stone/Kurtz to Fong: “You’re neither. You’re an errand girl sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill.”