Earlier today Jordan Ruimy posted that story (which I posted yesterday) about that Disney exec Michael Giordano, etc. You know…the one in which he admitted in a covertly recorded video that Disney generally prefers to not hire youngish straight white guys while concurrently favoring POC and LGBTQ applicants.

After the initial story broke on 6.20 Giordano went on a “leave of absence” (i.e., was told by Disney management to either disappear or, you know, commit suicide by jumping off a tall building).

I love Fang’s response to Ruimy’s article, Fang exemplifies woke haters, i.e., the same kind of people who yesterday tried to slit my social-media throat because I had the utter temerity to use, in passing, an alternate, biologically accurate term for…okay, let’s not go there again. The ugliness of the righteously woke is unceasing on comment threads these days.