Since becoming a Fairfield County limo man I’ve been living an especially rushed and pressured life, and this kind of breathless routine sometimes results in going too quickly with the gut and not sufficiently settling in with this or that issue or person or whatever and listening to the music.

In the matter of yesterday morning’s initial response to Tim Walz, I went almost entirely on visual evidence (friendly but homely face, plumpish, mostly bald, horn-rimmed glasses, ghastly suit-and-tie choices) and physical similarities to Warren Buffett, Will Patton, Tim Kaine, Tom Arnold, etc.

In so doing I hadn’t really listened to Walz other than “Trump-Vance are weird,” and I certainly hadn’t listened to the kind of music playing in his head.

Well, I listened last night and I’ve changed my mind. Walz is obviously smart, scrappy, fearless…that deep, vigorous, slightly sandpaper-y voice is exciting and alive. And he seems to have shed a few pounds. Now, if he could only listen to a clothing and style designer with taste.

I also had an epiphany while driving around yesterday and listening to Walz sound clips and assessment pieces on the dreaded NPR, which really is progressive Soviet state ratio (woke Izvestia Pravda).

It hit me that I really like the vibe of this guy despite his being in league with the woke wackjobbers. That means something, methinks. It’s the man’s chemistry — his basic hum, energy field, life force — despite some of things he’s said (especially regarding trans issues) or is saying. He’s got something combustible going on inside. People like guys like Walz, and as a friend said yesterday, “he may be a home run.”