Congrats to roly-poly Brady Corbet, 36**, for having won the Venice Film Festival’s Best Director award (i.e., Silver Lion) for helming the 1940s and ’50s historical epic The Brutalist.

Don’t just look at Corbet —- look into him. He’s saying something with his appearance. I’ve contemplated thousands of northeast-corridor, working-class guys who look exactly like him. Look at that heavy, dark-blue K-Mart workshirt he’s wearing. Look at that tent-like T-shirt. Did he blow off washing his hair or did he apply product to make it look greasy?

I can’t wait to catch one of the New York Film Festival screenings of The Brutalist on 9.28 or 10.12! Seriously. Even if Guy Lodge omitted it from his “Best of 2024 Venice Film Festival” list.

** Born two months after Jett’s delivery room appearance on 6.4.88.