HE verdict (11 pm): Kamala Harris put Donald Trump in his place tonight. She passed the test, more than held her own — she came out ahead. She’s going to win in November — no question. Van Jones: “She whupped him…she baited him and then she spanked him.”

Harris: “I intend to be a president for all the people. The future, not the past.” Trump: “We’re laughed at all over the world. What these people have done is destroying our country.”

10:25 pm: “Lets move forward…I have a plan…instead of constant demeaning and name-calling” or something close to that. “We’re not taking anyone’s guns away so stop lying.” Also: “Health care is a right, not a privilege. Remember what it was like before the Affordable Care Act?”

Harris to Trump #1: “You’re not running against President Biden — you’re running against me.” Harris to Trump #2: “You adore strong men instead of caring about democracy. Putin would eat you for lunch.“ 9:58 pm: Harris says many foreign leaders have called Trump a “disgrace.” Trump says Harris “hates the Jews…hates the Arabs.” Anything that comes to mind, however dubious or fraught with imagination, Trump says it. Harris is definitely keeping it more real.

9:52 pm: Trump sounds unstable, relentless, obsessive…he can’t stop himself. Harris: “We cannot afford to have a President who tries to up-end the will of 81 million people…that’s deeply troubling.” Trump quotes Viktor Orban — “We need Trump back in office.” 9:48 pm: Harris recounts her Jan. 6th exoerience, the Charlottesville hate demonstration…”Let’s not go back to this.”

9:38 pm: Trump: “I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things they’ve said about me.” Harris, clearly the more sensible and practical-minded of the two, is conveying a subdued reaction of puzzlement at Trump’s torrent of blathering lies. 9:28 pm: More with the “millions and millions of immigrants…eating the dogs, eating the cats…millions of criminals…migrant crime.” Obviously appealing to racists.

9:15 pm: Trump: “She’s a Marxist…her father is a Marxist.” Harris narrows her eyes, shakes her head, rests her chin on her right hand…aghast. Trump is going on and on…a hailstorm of horseshit. 9:07 pm: Trump bloviating about illegal immigrant hordes surging in and destroying the country, etc. Harris smirking, shaking her head, stating that Trump’s economic intensions “will explode the deficit,” explains her plan for investing in the middle-class…”an opportunity economy.”

8:37 pm: We live among morons…among millions of rural, red-state yokels who are actually intending to vote for a proven liar and sociopath who has no apparent investment in the democratic process…a power-hungry beast who is basically Viktor Orban, Kim Jong Un, Vladmir Putin…a swaggering pig in a Brioni suit and a red tie.