Five hours of writing and pacing the room and then a nice healthy roam-around. I bought my Tuesday morning train ticket — leaves Gare de Lyon at 7:45 am, arrives in Cannes around 1 pm or thereabouts. I hit five or six allimentation stores and a couple of supermarkets in search of a simple bar of lavon (i.e., soap), but women are under the impression that bar soap dries their skin so I have to work around that. I got rained on twice and saw a beautiful rainbow above Place Bastille. I hate walking around with a heavy computer bag (which I sometimes refer to as a Charles Bukowski mail sack) on my right shoulder but I guess I’m stuck with that burden.

My Airbnb apartment from 5.25 thru 6.1 is in this building — 10 rue Felix Ziem, 75018.

Place Bastille, Sunday, 9:45 pm.