A Cialis heart attack is an intense burning sensation mixed with a feeling of serious nausea. I popped a Cialis pill the night before last, and yesterday I was struck by a Cialis chest-pain episode along with near-vomiting.
It happened on a patch of grass near a service station where my car was being worked on. I was talking to Sasha Stone when the sensation hit. I was barely able to breathe.
I’ve never had heart trouble, and every day I take Atorvastatin (cholestoral-lowering medication), Lisinopril (blood-pressure medication), Naproxen, Magnesium and Prevagen.
Harvard health excerpt: “ED pills are safe for healthy hearts, but all men with cardiovascular disease should take special precautions, and some cannot use them under any circumstances. The problem is their effect on arteries. All arteries, not just those in the penis, generate nitric oxide, so any artery can widen in response to Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis, causing blood pressure to drop temporarily by 5-8 mmHg, even in healthy men.
“Organic nitrates are drugs that widen arteries by increasing their supply of nitric oxide; that’s how they open the partially blocked coronary arteries in patients with angina. But because nitrates and ED pills both act on nitric oxide, the drugs don’t mix; healthy volunteers given Viagra followed an hour later by nitroglycerin see their blood pressures drop by 25–51 mm Hg, a potentially dangerous amount.
“All experts agree that men who are taking nitrates cannot use ED pills; this includes all preparations of nitroglycerin (short-acting, under-the-tongue tablets or sprays), long-acting nitrates (isosorbide dinitrate or Isordil, Sorbitrate, and others, and isosorbide mononitrate, Imdur, ISMO, and others), nitroglycerin patches and pastes, and amyl nitrite or amyl nitrate (so-called poppers, which some men use for sexual stimulation).”