Earlier today I explained that a certain friend is for Trump not because she thinks he’s a good guy, and certainly not because of who or what he is as a political administrator. She does, however, see him as an antidote to the deranged progressive cultists on the left.

She sees this raging fatass as a form of therapeutic punishment — a battering ram — that needs to happen…a brute who will bring pain and anguish to the radical woke nutters (especially those who continue to advocate giving puberty blockers to minors and approving gender-altering surgeries for same) and force them to realize how crazy and skewed their identity-driven thinking has become.

And she’s absolutely right in this particular respect. The left has gone seriously mental in a diseased, cult-like way. As Bill Maher observed a year ago, they’ve more or less become Chinese Communists in the tradition of Mao’s great cultural revolution of the mid ‘60s, shaming and canceling those who aren’t fully on board with their anti-meritocracy program.

The problem with DEI as a social philosophy and program for social advancement is that it’s generally opposed to meritocracy, and therefore can’t be anything other than fundamentally unfair — a top-down ideology that discriminates against Average Joes of fair minds and good will or a facsimile of same.    

I differ with my friend in that I don’t think a second Trump term will provide the kind of traumatic social corrective that will cure the left’s insanity. The wacko left, remember, was inspired or manifested by Trump’s election in 2016. I think they’ll only dig their heels in deeper if Trump, whom I regard as a sociopathic, foam-at-the-mouth animal, is re-elected.