Economically, it is the lot of Average Joes and Janes to eat shit and take it up the ass from their social betters. Not fair but the way of the world, sad to say.

Gail Collins: “I admit price controls would be a tough plan to get through, politically speaking. But Kamala Harris is trying to lay some of the groundwork for her overall agenda, which on the fiscal side includes redistributing some of the mega-wealth of the upper class to folks who are struggling to reach the middle. I do like that scenario.”

Bret Stephens: “The best thing that can be said about her promise to go after price ‘gouging’ is that she knows it has no hope of passing and that she understands that every serious economist on the planet will warn her that the consequences of price controls would be shortages, hoarding and, soon enough, black markets. In fact, my only hope for Harris is that her agenda is for campaign purposes only and that she’ll become a normal Democrat once in office.

“On the other hand, as Catherine Rampell of The Washington Post pointed out last week, if your opponent is going to call you a ‘communist,’ it might be wiser not to propose legislation worthy of Venezuela. Or is there some political logic at work here that I’m missing?”


Kamala Harris & her supporters appeared to walk back their endorsement of price controls, but they didn’t. As such, Harris’ policies would still result in greater scarcity and higher prices of food, energy, and housing, reflective of the Democrats' opposition to economic growth.

♬ original sound – Shellenberger