These snaps aren’t particularly haunting or handsome or evocative of anything — they’re just leftovers. But at least they imply a pleasant fiction, which is that the 2013 Cannes Film Festival was a pleasant, warm-weather experience. It was actually one of the most unpleasant film festivals I’ve ever attended in my life from a meteorological perspective. Constant rainshowers, cool gusty winds, dampness, occasional downpours, lost umbrellas, sweaters, damp socks…just awful.

I took these right after my Nebraska chit-chat at the Carlton hotel with Bruce Dern, Will Forte and June Squibb.

As I came into the Carlton Jerry Lewis was sitting on a suitcase in front of the concierge desk. I had interviewed Lewis at the 1995 Sundance Film Festival (for Peter Chelsom‘s Funny Bones) and so I almost instinctively put my hand out and said “hey, Jerry…Jeffrey Wells. We last talked about 18 years ago…Funny Bones” and so on. Right away one of Lewis’s security guys grabbed my arm but Lewis waved them off. He’s cool. He knows the score. For some reason I always seem to get along with “difficult” personalities.