…but today he said this:

[9:45 to 10:37] “When the Iraq War began more than 75% of the American people were all behind it, but [this] didn’t last long. Elections are a choice, and a lot of Americans didn’t like what they saw [coming out of] the Democratic party, which now has two years to get its shit together and be in a position to take advantage of the first midterm election of Donald Trump’s incumbency, which historically should be a disaster for him. Two years from now Democrats must have a check on Donald Trump, and the only way they’ll have one is by taking back the House of Representatives.

“[And this] means the abandonment of this woke insanity…it means the abandonment of the lecturing and the hectoring and the demands to say your pronouns or else. Because the American people have rejected it.”

This means something. It means that sensible, mainstream liberal-minded adults, jolted by the catastrophic victory of The Beast over Kamala Harris, are suddenly sick of all the woke bullshit, as I noted on Sunday, 11.10. Schmidt never even alluded to, much less mentioned, general woke terror before today, but now he finally gets it.

The Reckoning‘s Sam Harris[3:50]: “Identity politics is over. No one wants it. Latinos and blacks don’t even want it. As witnessed by the fact that they moved to Trump in record numbers. Trump got a majority of Latino men nationwide, and in some counties he got a majority of Latino men and women. Even after everything he has said about immigrants from Latin America over the years. How they’re ‘poisoning the blood of our people,’ which is right out of [Adolf Hitler‘s] ‘Mein Kampf.’ A conservative comedian calls Puerto Rico ‘a floating pile of garbage’ at a Trump rally, and the entire Democratic machine and all of the liberal media seizes upon this like a nuclear bomb vaporizing American cities, and no one cares.

Identity politics is dead, and we have to bury it.”

Maureen Dowd, Thomas Chatterton Williams, Steve Schmidt, Sam Harris…they’re all singing from the same hymn book now….Bill Maher has been deploring woke insanity for many years, and now suddenly he has several big-name allies, and thank God for this.