“The outsiders predict the Oscars for a change. We are a motley crew of writers, pundits, critics and industry professionals who have decided to crash the party. With so much of the Oscars sucked into the money machine, we thought we’d get back to our roots, away from the publicity churn that decides the awards. This is for the love of the game.” — Sasha Stone‘s mission statement for The Gatecrashers.

After much blood, sweat and tears on the part of Ms. Stone (who happens to be travelling cross-country as we speak), The Gatecrashers is now a stand-alone website. Smartphone thing, laptop thing…good to go. Everything clarified, probed, investigated, instinctualized. All the important award-season categories spitballed by Sasha, yours truly, Chris Gore, Jeff Sneider, Jordan Ruimy, Bill McCuddy, Ed Douglas, Matthew Pejkovic, Scott Kernens, Christian Toto, Scott Menzel, John Nolte, The Cinescape and Bee Garner.

And not just our gut award calls but links to our own websites with — added attraction! — various posts, stories, riffs and reviews highlighted as we go along. A movable feast if you will. A living, shifting, breathing place to call home.

Right now Sasha and I are the only ones with a user name and a password, but that won’t last long. I’m sending out a mass email and allowing all the members to use my info to sign in, and thereby allowing them to create their own individual user names and passwords. Once Sasha does a bit more tweaking all the members will have the option to change their predictions on a dime….any time at all, day or night…high noon or in the wee small hours.

“I feel like a gate crasher. But a very warmly received one. Massive thanks to the Golden Globes and to Scott Beck and Bryan Woods for spotting my need to kill, and to A24 for sponsoring it.” — Hugh Grant.