Matt Walsh’s Am I A Racist? isn’t quite as compelling or is slightly less guns blazing that What Is A Woman?, which I also streamed and wrote about with a certain fairness of mind. But it makes some fair points. The HE commentariat can hiss and howl all they want, but any documentary that gives the spiritually suffocating race-relations grifter Robin DiAngelo a hard time is doing something right. Walsh’s Christian dude principles are a bit of an issue, but he wouldn’t squeal like a falsetto bitch and might even nod with a certain low-key appreciation when reminded that back in the old hippie days “spade cat” was a term of sincere respect — a subterranean term that cool cosmic dudes and Bhagavad Gita hepcats might use to loosely refer to Pharoah Sanders, Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, Dick Gregory, etc.