Sasha Stone and I are hastily assembling an award-season spitball forum, callled GATE CRASHERS. It’s kind of an anti-Gold Derby thang. Only journos and filmmakers of character, no whores or corporate ass-kissers, no raising damp fingers to the wind.

We’ll have the participation of least three or four anonymous filmmakers plus Chris Gore, Jeff Sneider, Jordan Ruimy, myself, Sasha, Bill McCuddy, Ed Douglas, and one or two more. 10 or 12 people thus far. We’re hoping to land at least two or three women of consequence besides Sasha.

Sneider will post a special link in advance with each updated posting. Ruimy will also post the chart.

Participants will just have to fill out a dropdown menu form with their gut predictions every two weeks. They won’t have to have seen every last film — they can spitball, fantasize and instinctually project like the Gold Derby members do. We’d all be taking it one step at a time.

The great Mark Frenden is assembling a King Kong logo as we speak.

We’re looking to get rolling on this fairly soon.

All hail Payal Kapadia’s All We Inagine As Light!