Letter to brilliant anti-woke friend, sent this morning:

“As I wrote yesterday, I have concerns and trepidations about Kamala Harris, but I also believe that her candidacy has become, over the last few days and at least metaphorically, a spiritual and inspirational movement of sorts.

“It’ll be a huge, huge deal for a woman of color (African Jamaican and South Asian descended) to become President. JFK in ‘60, Clinton in ‘92, Obama in ‘08…Kamala’s campaign is one of those. It’s a social movement thing that’s stirring exceptional currents. It’s a seminal change-and-hope event.

“Just a few days ago my attitude was (a) I would prefer Gavin Newsom or Pete Buttigieg, and (b) Kamala may lose to Trump considering that cackle and how she was chosen by Joe as a DEI symbol and how she didn’t connect at all during the 2019 and early ‘20 primary season.

“But something has shifted and she’s somehow caught on over the past week — she’s become someone or something else via some kind of cultural flash flood.

“Freed from the context of the ‘20 primaries, she’s now the younger, much smarter, more spirited, more humane and embracing alternative to The Beast.

“Obviously Harris is imperfect or even thorny by way of wokeness and identity zealotry and demonizing ‘white dudes’, but the white dude thing means, in this context, angry Trump supporters.

“As you know I feel best about sensible left-moderates or classic moderate Republicans like Glenn Youngkin, but I also feel that standing with that deranged criminal sociopath (a McDonalds loyalist and the fattest would-be President since William Howard Taft) can only unleash the ugly.

“Will Harris unleash a form of woke aggression as far as anti-white guy mentalities are concerned? Maybe, but she’s not stupid and life has a way of tempering attuned people and dissuading them from going too far.

“The bottom line is that Kamala is nowhere near as toxic or malevolent or dangerous as Trump.”