The flying monkey commentariat will go “hee-hee hah-hah hoo-hoo” when I extend heartfelt thanks to Breitbart’s John Nolte for his words of admiration and support, which were posted today in a riff about Rebecca Keegan’s THR hit piece on Sasha Stone.

Two small corrections are in order.

One, Nolte suggests I’ve been writing Hollywood Elsewhere for 15 years — it’s actually been 20 years and a bit more than 25 if you count Hollywood Confidential on Mr. Showbiz (launched in October ‘98), plus subsequent versions on and Kevin Smith’s

Two, Nolte says I got into trouble in March ‘21 for suggesting that Chloe Zhao’s chances of winning a Best Director Oscar might have been augmented, sympathy-vote-wise, by the ghastly Atlanta massage parlor killings. I actually didn’t write that — a friend did during a back-and-forth discussion, and I decided to post this observation for intrigue’s sake. The identity outrage police freaked out at my lack of sensitivity (however accurate the post may have been at the time) and so I took the post down after 45 minutes or so. Three similar incidents (i.e., tragic news affecting Oscar fortunes) had been written about in the early teens and nobody said boo.

Tom Teodorczuk to Rebecca Keegan: