Manhattan-visiting friend: “Just a reminder to call anyone you know who can help you score tickets to The Book of Mormon. I saw it last night, and it’s the real deal. It’s thrilling, and, yes, irreverent, blasphemous and an equal-opportunity offender. But would you expect anything less from Trey Parker and Matt Stone?

“But what’s amazing is their real love and understanding of musical theatre, and the fact that is has a huge palpitating heart at its center. I don’t remember sitting in a Broadway theatre surrounded by a more thrilled audience (which last night included Sting and Sandra Bullock.)
My response: “I called [a producer friend] and he offered to help me — but only with premium tickets at $260-something a pop. I can’t do that. It’s just a Broadway musical. It’s just two and half hours in a theatre. Plus the irksome and roly-poly Josh Gad, who all but singlehandedly destroyed Love and Other Drugs, is in it…so I’m not completely hearbroken.”