HE to friendly tipster: Okay, thanks much — I’ll certainly watch but you know something? I’m sick of this noise. There are too many streaming shows, too much content, too many urgent, over-the-top claims of this or that eight-episode limited series allegedly radiating a kind of greatness that hasn’t been felt before…a cross between an amazing discharge and “wait, hold up, I can’t breathe”…there’s just too damn much digital information surging in like a broken water main and suffocating the soul, and after a certain point of endless saturation this gradually results in an instinct to reject almost all of this shite because the avalanche of content-content-and-more-fecking-content instills a terrible feeling of emptiness and busy-ness…a feeling of chaos..a drowning of the spirit…a sense that there’s no real clarity in the air…a feeling of unchecked insanity.

Friendo replies: