CNN’s new post-debate nationwide poll has Trump beating Biden, 49% vs. 43% — numbers that haven’t changed since April. But Biden’s job-approval rating is down to 36% — only seven points higher than Fredric March‘s Jordan Lyman rating (29%) in Seven Days in May. And Joe is down 10 points with independent voters.

Biden is obviously finished, but just to underline the situation, where are the post-debate polls from the battleground states (Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsyvania, Georgia, Arizona)?

If Biden looks as bad in these individual state polls (and we all know the almost certain answer to this question), he’s absolutely DEAD.

Significantly, a theoretical Kamala Harris candidacy is polling only two points behind Donald Trump. As weak and whiny and disliked as she is, and as poor a public speaker as she is, Harris might just eke out a win. Women and particularly women of color would be overjoyed and totally fired up.

If Joe and Jill Biden were really smart, here’s a really smart move they could make. Biden resigns the presidency right now — this week, this month — and Harris becomes President. Then she wouldn’t be running against Trump as a candidate who may or may not do this or that. She’d be running as a serving President, and would have an enormous tactical advantage against The Beast. Plus she could debate him like a champ.

I don’t like Harris — never have, probably never will — but candidate-wise she’d be ten times better than Biden. Biden would be a genius if he were to resign the Presidency and hand the sceptre to Harris. An absolute effing genius.

If the Bidens continue to dig in their heels (Lady Macbeth in particular) and refuse to deal wi6h reality, the best thing for the country would be….I can’t believe I’m writing this, but the best thing for the country would be if Biden becomes irrefutably incapacitated or even (yes, I’m saying it) succumbs to the natural biological process that all 80something and 90something people commonly face.