A few hours ago Sasha Stone and I did a podcast chat. I was speaking through my limo-driver headset while driving north on Connecticut 95; Sasha was at home in the baking Southern California heat.

We thought it might be of some interest to discuss Rebecca Keegan’s 8.14 THR hit piece — an article that basically said Sasha should be regarded askance for the crime of abandoning her formerly liberal viewpoints (Sasha was a big Hillary Clinton supporter in ’16) and embracing MAGA assessments of this and that. She should therefore be excluded, Keegan implied, from the award-season Oscar blogging community — a nascent business proposition that Sasha helped launch over 20 years ago as a single mom.

Our discussion was a little loose-shoe, a little sloppy here and there, but generally civil and open-hearted. And here’s a Sasha Stone pull-quote — a quote that Keegan heard when she interviewed Sasha but chose not to include it in her piece — “I am still a social liberal…Obamacare, pro-environment, sensible gun control, and ‘safe, legal and rare’ abortions. What I have changed is my tribe, not my beliefs.”

Notes on a Scandal with Sasha Stone by Jeffrey Wells

All the gossip that’s fit to print.

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