In the thread for yesterday’s Angelina Jolie hit piece, HE’s own Bobby Peru wrote the following:

“Quit sucking Brad Pitt’s small dick long enough to be objective. You obviously know nothing about [Jolie’s] parenting style or who she is as a person. You’re just obsessed with Mr. Movie Star. That’s your entire game here. From what I know, she runs rings around him both as an actress, filmmaker and as a parent.”

HE response #1:

“It’s not about sucking Brad’s wang. It’s about sharing a deep-down regard for and understanding of the many burdens and joys of fatherhood. Serving as a father and showing the necessary devotion at all turns is an absolutely holy and primal thing, and no woman of any decency would actively try to poison the vibes between a dad (unless he’s a child molester or mass murderer or political terrorist or fentanyl dealer) and his children.

“Boiled down, Angie is giving an excellent performance as Lucreatia McEvil.”

HE response #2:

“As a director who chooses or sculpts her own preferred material, Jolie has repeatedly demonstrated a preference for stories about innocents suffering horribly under the yoke of evil forces.

“Does that, like, uhhm, tell you anything about her basic emotional state? Or, you know, her basic psychology? Maybe a little something?

”In The Land of Blood and Honey (’11) focused on a Bosnian muslim woman (Zana Marjanovic) coping with the Serbian genocide.

Unbroken (’14) was largely about an American soldier being sadistically brutalized in a Japanese prison camp.

“In ’15 Jolie was talking about directing a film about the poaching of elephants with Brad Pitt intending to play poacher-fighter Richard Leakey.

”Then came First They Came For My Father, which deals with the Khymer Rouge’s genocide of Cambodia in the mid ’70s.

”Her latest is Without Blood, which I haven’t seen but is said to be cut from the same torture-porn cloth.

“Four movies about innocents suffering the pains of hell under the yoke of evil forces, directed by the same person within the last 13 years. That doesn’t tell you anything?”