George C. Scott: "What do you mean 'if I love you'? I raped you in a suicidal rage. How do we get love and children all of a sudden?"
Diana Rigg: "For heaven's sake, Herb...I ought to know if a man loves me or not. You must have told me a hundred times last night that you love me. You murmured it, shouted it. One time you opened a window and bellowed it out into the street."
Scott: "Well, I think those were more expressions of gratitude than love."
Rigg: "Gratitude for what?"
Scott: "Well...my God, for resurrecting feelings of life in me that I thought dead!"
Rigg: "Oh, my God...what do you think love is?"
Scott: "All right, I love you! You love me! I'm not about to argue with so relentless a romantic."
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