…is about judgment, bitter gruel, the wrong kind of karma, deflation. That said, I’ve never once read or researched the lyrics. It’s the chops, the punctuation, the garage-band guyness of it. It began playing on the Passat sound system of its own volition when I started the car around noon. I found this meaningful on some level, and I was never really a huge Guess Who fan.

Wiki excerpt: “[Guitarist and Co-writer Randy Bachman] was walking down a city street with several vinyl albums under his arm, when he saw three ‘tough-looking biker guys’ approaching. He felt threatened and was looking to cross the street when a little put-put car pulled up to the men.

“A five-foot-tall woman got out, shouting at one of them, asking where he’d been all day, that he’d left her alone with the kids, didn’t take out the trash, and now was down here sniffing around. The man’s grungy friendos walked away, and he was suddenly alone. Tail between his legs, he got into the car. The woman’s parting shot: ‘And you can forget about any sugar tonight.’”