You’ll never convince me that the famously rotund Jack Black, 54, wasn’t more or less playing himself in High Fidelity, School of Rock, Tropic Thunder and Bernie.

I’ve only chatted with him at parties and press junkets but he’s always struck me as an edgy, manic stoner type, suffused with eccentricity and snapdragon instincts. Black is politically liberal, of course, but has never sounded to me like a naive Pollyanna or a cuddly bunny.

Now he sounds like one. Black confided the other night that before Droolin’ Joe dropped out he always believed that American voters would “do the right thing” (i.e., not re-elect Trump). That’s crazy, man. For months the writing on the wall clearly said that Joe was toast. There was nothing but gloom and resignation on the horizon, especially after the assassination attempt.

It depresses me to think that Black may have gone soft in the head.

No, I will not subject myself to Borderlands.