The brilliant Babygirl has a middling 77% RT rating from critics, but it’s been handed an unmistakably failing grade — 54% — from Joe and Jane Popcorn, and particularly from women.
I’ve been swooning over Halina Reijn’s film since I first saw it two weeks ago, and these neghead responses have left me crestfallen. One of the absolute finest films of the year is a complete flop with too many women. A 54% grade is basically a thumbs down — it’s not much different than a 30% or 20% grade — fail! — people are holding their noses.
Study the RT auudience blurbs. Some dudes like it and some don’t, but almost all the women dislike or even hate it.
Listen to this guy especially — the unpleasantness wasn’t the movie’s fault, but the audience’s.