Alternate W. campaign or creative W. vandalism? Wild-posted near corner of La Cienega and Santa Monica Blvd. — Tuesday, 10.14.08, 10:35 pm

Connected crowd leaving CAA screening room after this evening’s showing of Kathryn Bigelow’s The Hurt Locker — Tuesday, 10.14.08, 9:40 pm. Bigelow greeted and introduced; ditto writer-producer Mark Boal. Attending were producer Mark Johnson, Pierce Brosnan, The Lives of Others director-writer Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, Politico‘s Jeffrey Ressner, former New Line chief Sara Risher, myself and maybe 70 others.

Glimpsed on way out of Asian restaurant in Century City — one of four visited this evening that had closed at 10 pm, including the bars. (“Sorry!”) I hate this town.