Shocker! The members of the Screen Actors Guild were so mixed or mezzo-mezzo or underwhelmed by Bradley Cooper‘s A Star Is Born that they couldn’t even give it a Best Ensemble consolation prize (i.e., Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture).
Instead, the winner of that coveted trophy (the equivalent of SAG’s Best Picture award) was Black Panther.
And the SAGgies didn’t give their Best Actress award to Lady Gaga but to The Wife‘s Glenn Close…she wins again! And Rami Malek won the Best Actor prize, and in so doing is poised to possibly take the Best Actor Oscar, or at the very least give Vice‘s Christian Bale some very stiff competition.
Mahershala Ali again won a Best Supporting Actor trophy for his Green Book performance. He’s obviously winning the Oscar in this category.
Emily Blunt, of all people, won the Best Supporting Actress prize for her performance in A Quiet Place. Who the hell was even fantasizing about Blunt’s all-but-silent turn winning anything at all? If there was any speculation on her behalf it was a smattering of Best Actress buzz for Mary Poppins Returns.
I could say something rude about Kris Tapley‘s prowess of an estimator of Oscar power, but I’ll let it go.