In a 1.27 Oregonian article called “I, Nauseated,” Sports Illustrated reporter J.E. Vader, who covered the adventures of Tonya Harding going back to the late ’80s and through the whole assult-upon-Nancy Kerrigan mess, trashes Craig Gillespie’s I, Tonya for painting an overly sympathetic portrait of Harding.
Vader: “Harding has changed her story over and over in the past 24 years, but it’s always that she is a victim and everyone else is horrible. She is habitually ‘truth-challenged’ — this fantasy film is Harding’s dream come true.
“It’s difficult to see Harding on red carpets and magazine covers, fawned over by movie stars and filmgoers who condemn ‘the media’ for being unfair to poor little Tonya. But we live in a world where people line up for selfies with O.J. Simpson and heavyweight rapist Mike Tyson; where vaccines are said to be harmful for children and global warming is a hoax, and where the president tells whopper lies several times a day. Why shouldn’t Tonya Harding be a new folk hero?”
“I, Nauseated” excerpt: “In reality, that bleak January 1994 Jeff Gillooly told the FBI that planning for the attack included discussions of killing Kerrigan, or cutting her Achilles’ tendon, before settling for breaking her landing leg and leaving her injured wearing a duct-tape gag in her hotel room — and that Tonya Harding was well in on the plans and impatient when Kerrigan wasn’t disabled right away. (Makes Tonya a tad less sympathetic, no?)”