FBI agent Gregg Schwarz‘s belief that former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was utterly straight “is based on the notion that Hoover condemned extra-marital affairs and anyone who was homosexual was considered a “security risk,” writes Time‘s Melissa Locker.
Neither Clint Eastwood nor Dustin Lance Black “were told there was no evidence whatsoever that Mr. Hoover was homosexual,” Schwarz says in the video. “They took the historical facts, twisted them to their own personal agenda, which is purely profit and sensationalism, and now it ls out there…for you to evaluate. It’s a smear campaign.”
Schwarz to Eastwood: “You’re no Jerry Bruckheimer.” Insult?
“For Schwarz, there is no way a man who condemns homosexuality could possibly be gay,” Locker writes. “Apparently he has chosen to ignore the many former Congressmen and religious leaders who put the lie to that belief, and is also completely unaware of the human capacity to protest too much.”