Journo pally to HE: “Have you seen the grosses for Parasite?’ It’s at $14.5 million, a very large sum for a foreign-language film. That makes it not only the year’s highest-grossing foreign-language earner, but it’s on track to hit the top 15 and maybe top 10 on the all-time foreign list. Plus, after six weeks in theaters, it actually upped its numbers this past weekend. Obviously a big word-of-mouth hit in the indie/foreign universe.”

Parasite‘s int’l box-office is $96,454,104 for a grand worldwide total (domestic included) of $110,947,467.

HE to Academy members, guilds: I understand and agree with the Parasite fervor. It’s Bong Joon-ho‘s best ever, and it addresses social inequities with smarts and pizazz. But it won’t win the Best Picture Oscar…no! Put that notion out of your head right now. I’ve already explained why.