HE’s initial, gut-hunch Cannes picks, posted this morning in HE comment thread:

What tells you that Kevin Costner’s Horizon is “pap”? Because it concerns white settlers in covered wagons? Did you presume Kelly Reichart’s Meek’s Cutoff wouid be pap?

Emanuel Parvu’s Three Kilometers to the End of the World.

Limonov, a sprawling fact-based saga that Pawel Pawlikowski wanted to make for years but then bailed on, is Kirill Serebrennikov’s English-language debut feature.

Andrea Arnold’s Bird seems promising, although Barry Keoghan’s bee-stung nose is a proverbial problem…when he’s on-screen all I can do is stare at that awful thing…worst schnozz in cinema history .

Pretty much everyone has been persuaded that Francis Coppola’s Megalopolis will be a tough watch. It’s not just me.

Oliver Stone’s Lula doc, if I can fit it in.

Schrader, Lanthimos, Baker, Audiard, Cronenberg, Sorrentino.

Ali Abbasi’s The Apprentice (i.e., young Trump) certainly has my interest.

Mohammad Rasoulof’s The Seed of the Sacred Fig, the Iranian politically flammable cause celebre, is obviously essential.

I’m hoping for the usual odd pop-throughs from Director’s Fortnight, Un Certain Regard — forget Critics Week and Acid.

I’d really like to see Abel Gance’s Napoleon on a big screen again. Possibly Laurent Bouzereau’s Faye Dunaway doc. The Elizabeth Taylor lost tapes doc or whatever that’s about.

We all have a pretty good idea what Furiosa will most likely be.

Rithy Panh’s Pol Pot documentary.

There’s room for roughly another six or seven screenings. What should I include?

Jordan Ruimy sez: “Not sure if it’s up your alley, but there’s an actual body horror American movie in competition this year — The Substance. Possibly this year’s Titane. Margaret Qualley, Dennis Quaid and Demi Moore. Thierry Fremaux’s decision to include this for Palme d’Or contention is at the very least intriguing.”