I’m not actually “serious” about trying to launch any of these therapeutic or advice concepts into actual going concerns, but I could easily dispense HE-styled wisdom and insight along these lines if so required. I have the ability to bullshit people and convey meaningless-but-harmless insights in a kindly, thoughtful, considerate way…as much of an ability of any licensed therapist or psychologist or social counselor.
1. HE Dating Academy, an HE-related, interactive dating advice website: “How to attract top-tier women if you’re a socially primitive shut-in…an under-educated 20something or 30something flatliner who’s generally un-travelled, spends most of his time online and who’s either unemployed or has a relatively low-paying, going-nowhere job. And who drives an older, starting-to-feel-shitty car.”
2. HE Advice to the Lovelorn (self-explanatory): A lifetime of experience and gathered wisdom offered to young men & women whose prospects of finding someone really special to fall in love and partner with in the mid 2020s are, let’s face it, pretty close to zilch. How to look good (get in shape & lose weight, avoid shitty foods, don’t wear whitesides or collared flannel shirts), how to smell good and wear interesting hair (no shaved heads or tennis-ball coifs) and how to speak intelligently about…well, many things.
3. HE Philosophical Counselling (self-explanatory): What does it all mean & where are most of us headed? Don’t ask. A been-around, seen-it-all veteran of hard-knocks living and the proverbial, turbulent romantic trenches is offering improvisational but serious, solemn but freewheeling therapy. Unlicensed or Mumford-styled counselling. (It goes without saying that Mumford sessions are not synonymous with the lessons of Roger Dodger.) Less costly than what licensed therapists charge but just as good in terms of exploring the vagaries of life and discovering various eternal / mystical truths and possibly even attaining tangible, take-it-to-the-bank results, and which will certainly be more entertaining than traditional therapy.