In a just-posted sex survey, only 22% of male readers “said they’ve had 20 or more sex partners in their lifetime,” and 16% said they’ve done it with between 11 and 19 sex partners. 23% — the biggest chunk — said they’ve been with five or less. 5% — the LexGs of the world — said they haven’t been blessed at all. heard from 522 internet-connected guys, aged 21 to 59. If you cut out the over-50s (i.e., guys who were sexually active in the mid to late ’70s) the tallies would be a lot lower, I’m guessing. For presentable, well-mannered fellows lucky enough to have experienced the glorious nookie era of the ’70s and early ’80s, 20 or more sex partners might have represented…let’s be careful here…two or three years’ worth of activity, but certainly not a lifetime’s.

“And gentlemen in England now a-bed

Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,

And hold their manhoods cheap…” — Henry the Fifth, William Shakespeare.