All Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez want to do is wallow in comfort. To them it’s all about hangin’ back in the parlors of grindhouse, guns, babes and blood…in style and pizazz and dime-store machismo. Neither wants to reach deep inside and create something half-original about love and desire and struggle on the planet earth. They obviously don’t have the temperament to do this, but I’m starting to formulate an idea that they don’t even have the nerve. The latest wallow is going to be funded by the Weinstein Co., with both Tarantino and Rodriguez planning to direct a 60-minute horror tale. Rodriguez’s will be a zombie thing called “Planet Terror,” and Tarantino’s, to be called “Death Proof,” will a slasher piece. They’re a pair of middle-aged teenaged wankers…wasting their time and pissing away their talent.