From Huffpost‘s Daniel Marans, reported earlier today: “Attorney General Loretta Lynch wanted F.B.I. director James Comey to follow Department of Justice protocols and traditions and not reveal the discovery of new emails that might be pertinent to Clinton’s case, The Huffington Post was able to confirm on Saturday, following the account of a Justice Department official in The Washington Post.”

From “Comey, Clinton and This Steaming Mess,” a 10.29 N.Y. Times column by Frank Bruni: “Comey said in an internal memo that he was hoping, with his announcement, not ‘to create a misleading impression’ of some hugely significant discovery. But that’s exactly and predictably what he did.

“Most Democrats were outraged. ‘Mr. Comey said he was duty bound to inform Congress,’ Bob Kerrey, the former senator and governor, told me. ‘Quite the opposite is the case. He was duty bound to make an announcement after he completes his examination of the emails.’

“Indeed, Comey broke with the longstanding F.B.I. policy of not commenting on ongoing investigations. He also defied the wishes of senior officials in the Department of Justice, according to various news reports early Saturday afternoon. And he frustrated everyone — conservatives, liberals, Trump, Clinton — because his disclosure was all questions, no answers.

“Regardless, the media went nuts, declaring that the development could bend the shape of the race and assuming damage to Clinton without any polling or other evidence to back that up.”