A 12.13 e-mail sent to Directors Guild members by DGA president Michael Apted has conveyed frustration with the WGA strike and a feeling that fresh DGA attitudes in separate negotiations are what’s needed at this stage: “We have been waiting and watching [the WGA strike situation] for months. But now, with no end to the current impasse in sight, we find ourselves having to ask the hard question: is it now our turn to sit across from the AMPTP?

“We believe the answer to that question lies in one simple truth. We cannot abdicate our responsibility to all of you, the DGA membership. You expect us to fight for you. We promised you we would do just that. We believe that the preparation and determination [that the] DGA traditionally brings to the table, combined with our fresh perspective, is what’s needed to get the job done.

“The issue is not between the DGA and the WGA. Those who want to make that the fight will only strengthen our true adversaries. The real issue is how to ensure that we get the best and most equitable deal for DGA members.

“With this first and foremost in our minds, we have decided that the DGA must go forward with our own negotiations. In order to give the WGA and the AMPTP one last chance to get back to the table, we will not schedule our negotiations to begin until after the New Year, and then only if an appropriate basis for negotiations can be established.

“If it can, then the DGA will commence formal talks with the AMPTP in the hope that our bargaining strength and fresh perspective can help achieve a good and fair outcome for all concerned.”