In a 9.28 DP30 interview, Client 9 director Alex Gibney explains, as his film does, that former call girl and current N.Y. Post advice columnist Ashley Dupre “did” former N.Y. Governor Eliot Spitzer exactly once. She was not his girl of choice — that role was filled by another prostitute called “Angelina.”

“You think Ashley is ‘the one‘, [but] Ashley is kind of like the woman who happened to be on call that night, or that afternoon,” Gibney says. “She’s like a sub who came off the bench, probably because Angela wasn’t available. She happened to be the one who’s on the wiretap. She’s not the one but she’s always played it like she’s the one, always deflecting, ‘it’s a legal issue, I cannot answer’ but always engaging people that she was Spitzer’s girl She was not Spitzer’s girl.

“She’s very interested in advancing her career as a celebrity and as a singer. Fox News and the N.Y. Post are very interested in using that desire for celebrity to use it to advance their agenda, which is to discredit Eliot Spitzer. It’s funny how celebrity gets used. Celebrity is a bizarre form.

“Ashley tried to play me,” Gibney recalls. “We had many email and text conversations with Ashley, and [I] negotiated wth many managers — she went through a lot of them — and we almost had a deal, but then her lawyer insisted on editorial control. I was not wiling to give Ashley Dupre editorial control.”