We’ve all felt susceptible to certain dubious filmmakers, actors or genres. Movies that aren’t good for you and will only stunt your growth, but you watch them anyway. For some people it’s mid ’40s to mid ’50s big-studio musicals. For others it’s Asian martial-arts cinema. Some have a thing for lavishly made, large-format period-spectacle flicks (Quo Vadis to The Fall of the Roman Empire). For guys like Quentin Tarantino it’s ’70s grindhouse flicks with a special nod to blacksploitation. My Bluray weaknesses are for (a) film noir and (b) pre-1970 films that have almost no grain like Criterion’s Sweet Smell of Success (or which have been tastefully DNR’ed a la Universal’s Psycho and Cape Fear) and have been mastered at 1.66:1. I’ll buy almost (I say “almost)) any Bluray that fits those criteria regardless of quality. What other bad habits have you in their grip?