The Guardian reported yesterday that the Swedish Academy has heard nothing but silence from Bob Dylan about whether or not he’ll be in Stockholm on 12.10.16 to accept his Nobel prize in literature. “I am not at all worried,” Academy secretary Sara Danius is quoted saying. “I think he will show up.” What Dylan is saying with his silence: “I do what I do and that’s enough. I don’t believe in awards or taking bows at high falutin’ ceremonies. Is this some kind of rare honor, a tribute of a lifetime? Yeah, okay, but at the end of the day expressing fuck-all indifference is more important to me than graciousness or good manners. I’ll probably show up but maybe I won’t. I don’t owe shit to anyone or anything. I’ve been a weird-prick motherfucker before and I might be again.” Leonard Cohen agrees after a fashion: “To me, [the Nobel] is like pinning a medal on Mount Everest for being the highest mountain.”