The column wasn’t very active today either, largely because the Bend Film Festival jury — myself and five other guys — sat down and mulled over which films will win the cash (including a $10,000 Best of Show” award) and non-cash prizes for a little more than four hours. We started around 11:15 this morning and finished at 3:20 pm. There were some differences of opinion but very little debating; everyone was more or less on the same page. The winners will be announced on Saturday night.

Bend Film Festival jurors during deliberative recess — (l. to r.) entertainment attorney Richard Roll, director Taggart Siegel (The Real Dirt on Farmer John), myself, critic/journalist/Movie City Indie editor Ray Pride, director-writer-actor Hank Rogerson (Shakespeare Behind Bars), filmmaker Rory Kelly (Sleep With Me, Some Girl); in a Wall Street storefront window, a board game for sale; the festival’s flagship venue is the Tower theatre, located on Wall Street in the center of downtown; ditto; haven