Saturday, 1.23, 11:20 pm.

(l.) White Girl star Morgan Saylor, (r.) director Elizabeth Wood during last night’s post-screening q & a at Park City Library. There weren’t that many questions. Saylor’s character is presented as naive and stupid on a common-sense level. The movie is basically exploitation, a tawdry tale that I found quite frustrating. Variety‘s Peter Debruge panned it.

Immediately following today’s Holiday Village screening of Antonio Campos’ Christine — Sunday, 1.24, 1:45 pm.

It began showing around 10 pm last night, and what it’s done to Park City so far is beautiful at all hours.

Tallulah director-writer Sian Heder during post-screening q & a at Eccles — Saturday, 1.23, 2:15 pm.