According to “Hollywood’s Top 40,” a piece by Peter Newcomb on page 272 in the new Vanity Fair, the following filmmakers pocketed the following amounts in 2009: (1) Michael Bay, $125 million; (2) Steven Spielberg, $85 million; (3) Roland Emmerich, $70 million; (4) James Cameron, $50 million; (5) Todd Phillips, $44 million; (6) Daniel Radcliffe, $41 million; (7) Ben Stiller, $40 million; (8) Tom Hanks, $36 million; (9) JJ Abrams, 36 million; and Jerry Bruckheimer, $35 million.

JFK Airport, American Airlines concourse A — Thursday, 2.4, 9:10 am.
Way down at the bottom of the list is Brad Pitt, who earned a piddly $13.5 million last year.