Hats off to RevoLucian, the guy who threw this techno-vid together so quickly and so well. (Thanks to In Contention‘s Kris Tapley for alerting.)
Hats off to RevoLucian, the guy who threw this techno-vid together so quickly and so well. (Thanks to In Contention‘s Kris Tapley for alerting.)
“After [last] Saturday’s Mickey Rourke tribute, at which he received the American Riviera award, Academy voters woke up Sunday morning to a big color photo of the star and a front-page headline in the Santa Barbara News-Press blaring ‘The Comeback King.’ Can it influence their thinking at crunch time? Studio consultants must think so, or they wouldn’t keep coming back year after year with major contenders.” — from Pete Hammond‘s 2.2.09 Envelope column about his Santa Barbara adventures.
A big-city film critic friend told me tonight why he doesn’t do South by Southwest any more:
1. “No press screenings, or none that I recall from when I was there from 2003-07, or maybe just a handful. They think it’s more ‘democratic’ to have the press line up with the public for almost every movie, which can take literally hours for popular screenings.
2. “The movies mostly suck. We started doing SXSW because we figured it was the new Sundance — and it was, like the way Sundance was 20 years ago (or so I’ve been told). But most movies SXSW takes have been tossed into the delete bin by Toronto and/or Sundance. The few good ones it runs tend to be Sundance hits making their next festival stop. There is rarely a premiere of note — Knocked Up in 2007 was the only SXSW premiere I recall that made any kind of impact out of that fest.
3. “The press office is a joke. Beyond a joke. Nobody knows anything, the pass they give you is almost useless, and they will kick you out of the press office once the much bigger SXSW Music Festival starts — which it does smack-dab in the middle of the film festival, thus turning the film festival into a complete waste of time. Oh, and the film press office won’t help you if you want to check out a couple of the music events. You’re on your own, and on your own dime.
“Have I succeeded in changing your mind?”
The big outdoor Doubt scene between Meryl Streep and Viola Davis is now viewable at the N.Y. Times site.
What’s with Summit refusing to announce a theatrical opening date for Kathryn Bigelow ‘s The Hurt Locker ? They’ve had this landmark war thriller since the acquisition was announced almost five months ago but they’ve steadfastly refused to say when. Pussyfooting on a theatrical release date is odd enough six months out, but it’s bizarre when the film in question is this good.
I realize that Lionsgate’s rumored purchase of Summit may have some bearing, but it still feels weird that Summit never announced a date. It suggests that they believe they’ve got a hot potato on their hands. Which of course it isn’t — it’s brilliant.
A couple of just-announced festival dates suggests the release date has to be in late March or early April. The Hurt Locker, I’ve learned, will have a special screening at the Film Society of Lincoln Center on 3.5. It’s also been announced that it’ll show as a premiere attraction at South by Southwest, which runs from 3.13 to 3.22. Whenever a film with a solid distributor makes the rounds at festivals and high-profile screening series, an opening is never far off. All I got from Summit publicity chief Vivian Mayer is that an announced date “isn’t far off.”
The only possible monkey wrench I can imagine is the Lionsgate acquisition deal. But if things were truly up in the air the two afore-mentioned bookings wouldn’t have been made.
“In Serbis politics isn’t a matter of slogans but of real bodies, which perhaps accounts for why it paradoxically unwinds in a movie theater,” N.Y. Times critic Manohla Dargis wrote last Friday. “The heavenly bodies that populate our films bring their own pleasures, of course, alighting on screen as if from a dream. The bodies in this movie are not heaven sent, but neither are they puppets in a cinematically contrived nightmare.
“Rather, they lust, sweat, desire and struggle with ferocious truth. In one scene a young man lances a boil on his rear with an empty bottle, a grotesquely funny affirmation of real life and real bodies at their most humble and humanly poignant. You might gag, but you definitely won’t forget it.”
Cheers to Defamer‘s Kyle Buchanan for posting an interview clip earlier this afternoon of Talkshow‘s Spike Feresten grilling At The Movies critic Ben Lyons over the many similarities between The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Forrest Gump. That “Funny or Die” clip that pointed out the same parallels has been taken down, but Feresten’s site has it.
This Christian Bale screaming tape from the set of Terminator Salvation (Warner Bros., 5.22.09), which was broken this afternoon by Gawker, is pretty damn good. It’s the best on-set screaming since that David O. Russell YouTube clip from the set of I Heart Huckabees. Here’s a longer TMZ version of same.
Moises Chiullan‘s summary of the most intriguing ’09 South by Southwest titles has me actually thinking about trying to attend this year. I’m particularly interested in catching Gerald Peary‘s For the Love of Movies, a doc about the history of American film criticism that has taken some seven years to put together. Here’s a 12.07 riff on Peary’s film by Filmmaker‘s Rob Nelson .
My only concern is Nelson’s observation that the film “scarcely if ever acknowledges [the] mounting threats to the profession.” This can’t be. Peary and producer Amy Geller must have changed their film to reflect the times in the 14 months since Nelson wrote this.
From Thursday to Sunday I’ll be visiting the Oxford Film Festival, most of which takes place on the Ole Miss campus in Oxford, Mississippi. I was invited down with a few other film journalists (James Rocchi, Kim Voynar, etc.) to watch films and stroll around and take part in some kind of panel discussion.
They told me to fly to Memphis. Shuttles will drive us to Oxford from there. I had to buy my own ticket but they’ll reimburse upon arrival. That way they’re not stuck if you don’t show.
I haven’t been to a deep-south burgh since I attended the Savannah Film Festival in ’01 or thereabouts. But Savannah’s not an expression of the red-state south as much as a kind of spooky old ghost town. Ole Miss is a highly respected university, of course. The resistance to James Meredith‘s enrollment happened close to 50 years ago. Nonetheless the daughter of a screenwriting acquaintance told me that a conservative good-old-boy group on campus vented their anger over Barack Obama‘s election on the night of 11.4, and in a rather ugly way.
I’ll be looking for stuff like that when I’m down there. Local color, aromas, attitudes. Maybe I’ll get into a Josh Brolin-style redneck altercation in a bar. Nature smells a bit different down there — agreeably so. I know I’d like to find at least one mom ‘n’ pop eatin’ place that serves local cuisine. A friend tells me “the best fried chicken in America” is served at a joint called Gus’s. Two of ’em, actually — one in Memphis, another in Southhaven, Mississippi.
“I love Oxford,” a filmmaker friend wrote today. “I used to be friends with writer Larry Brown who passed away a few years ago. While you are there you should eat at one of the best restaurants in the country. It’s called the Grocery and it’s directly on the square just down from Larry’s favorite bookstore.”
Voynar told me that we’ll be stopping for a brief tour of Graceland on the way down. Good God. Not the home itself (I’m an Elvis fan as far as it goes) as much as the rancid commercial crap that has built up around it since the King’s death.
The inaugural euphoria residue was still lingering a week ago, but now it’s over and done with. We’re now into string-up-the-spendthrift-bankers mode. Symbolic slapdowns, getting all medieval on their ass, public floggings, mobs chasing them down streets. The time for taking bows and smiling for Annie Leibovitz is over. Stand up, show your mettle.
New York/Vulture’s Chris Rovzar has pointed out that Vanity Fair used the same cover shot of Obama several months back. Whoa.
Gay enough, obviously, but not funny enough. It starts to sag after the first minute.
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