There was a nice, low-key, no-big-deal 100th birthday gathering for Norman Lloyd yesterday afternoon in Pacific Palisades, at the home of Norman’s neighbors Linda Daly and husband Michael Alexander. It pains me to admit that while I managed to get myself invited, I wasn’t able to make it. A friend’s report: “It began around 1 pm, and Norman was in great spirits, as you might guess. Plenty of friends attended, none of them nearly his age. Judd Apatow (who directed Norman in the forthcoming Trainwreck) hung around a long time, very approachable. Elliott Gould, Tom Luddy, Gary Meyer, Todd McCarthy, Allan Arkush (who directed Norman on TV) and many others. You and Quentin Tarantino were the only no-shows I know of. We left when Norman did around 4:30 pm.”