Last night’s Irish shindig (for the US-Ireland Alliance) at Bad Robot was cool. Thanks to JJ Abrams for inviting me. Nice vibe, nice guests, nice food, nice potato chips and dip, pretty girls. Colin Farell was one of the honorees. I spoke for a bit with director-producer Tony Bill, who was sharp as a tack and in a chipper mood.

Bar Robot honcho and host JJ Abrams delivering remarks at last night’s event.

I have to mention that it was partly an outdoor party, and you know how Santa Monica can be at night with the chilly damp air and all. After a while I started to say to myself, “This is a really good gathering but fuck this cold damp air…this feeling of wanting to be someplace warmer but not really feeling that warmth.” So I exited out of a side door, got into the car and fired up the heat. And then I drove back to West Hollywood for some sushi and parked my car in the wrong lot and got towed.

Colin Farrell.