One of my absolute favorite things in this town (or any town, for that matter) is being invited to a party that’s supposed to start at 10 pm, as I was to Tuesday night’s Clerks 2 soiree at the Avalon on Vine Street, only to be kept waiting for five or ten minutes outside the damn place because the people in charge don’t feel like letting the guests in just yet, even though they’ve had a couple of hours to prepare for their arrival — 7.11.06, 10:08 pm.

(a) A ’70s or ’80s style sub-run theatre on Hollywood Blvd. near Vine — Tuesday, 7.11.06, 9:50 pm; (b) 1950s Mickey Spillane-styled sleazy sex shop and strip joint; (c) Surprise reaction to snapping of a photo during breakfast at Urth Caffe on Melrose — Monday, 7.10.06, 9:15 am; (d) Old Capitol records building on Vine Street opposite the Avalon — Monday, 7.11.06, 9:50 pm; (3) I beat a hasty retreat to the old 1949 Bob’s Big Boy on Riverside just after the Lady in the Water screening last night — Wednesday, 7.12.06, 10:20 pm; (4) ditto — Wednesday, 7.12.06, 10:23 pm